4 Proven Ways To Deal Permanently With Skin Insecurities

4 proven ways to deal permanently with skin insecurities

These days, the number of people dealing with skin insecurities is on the rise. And with the media and even society constantly reminding us that the perfect skin is not only attainable but expected, cases of skin insecurity now abound.

There are cases of folks who in a bid to get the perfect skin, fall into the hands of quacks and then end up complicating an already serious skin condition.

There is wisdom in doing the right thing. What most folks do is they start following the right direction only when the “cheaper” and most times quick alternative fails.

No one needs to go through such stress.

Still fresh on our minds is that viral video of a woman who in a quest for perfect skin was made to bathe in a bath tub of whatever chemicals that clearly looked toxic by mere seeing the video.

To be very honest, no one needs that stress. Getting a great looking skin is possible only if we follow the right steps.


Although, there are several ways of dealing with skin insecurities, we would be looking at 4.

1. Understand that You are Unique

While everyone agrees that it is perfectly normal for us as humans to compare ourselves to others. Sometimes, a lot of people do take it to the extreme.

You must have heard the saying, “comparison is the thief of joy.” You may wonder why it seems amongst your friends you seem to be the only one with acne. Maybe it could even be stretch marks.

So, you wake up every morning looking at the mirror and wondering who you offended to end up with these many stretch marks.

Skin Insecurities come from somewhere. Most times from a constant feeling of inadequacy in a certain area.

If you must deal with the feelings of skin insecurity, you must begin by asking yourself the right questions. This will surely kickstart the process of helping you overcome those thoughts. Questions you must ask yourself include: Why am I upset? Why do I tend to always compare myself with others? Is it because you expect something to be a particular way because you see it in others?

We are what we “think.” If you constantly dwell on negative thoughts about yourself, you may never grow.

2. Stop worrying about how others see you

There are people who will never step out of the house if they notice a pimple on their face in the morning. Maybe because they do not want their crush to see them with a pimple on the face lol.

When you focus or pay so much attention to how others see you, chances are that you will constantly fall in and out of depression.

I am not trying to downplay how others see you, but it is important that we think in the direction of our value.

Beyond people’s opinion of you, you must understand you are truly an important personality.

To overcome skin insecurities, you must understand that there is a solution for that skin condition and maybe you have not done enough research; If that is the case, then you need to do some more research or maybe financially you are not yet able to afford that procedure; then you need to create a plan on how you would save up for the procedure or find out if there are other plans that would be suitable for you.

For instance, at laserderm Clinics, we have had experiences with some clients who tell us of how they were swindled or what they have gone through in the hands of half-baked or even fake skin care practitioners.

Sometimes, doing research helps. Asking the right questions and taking the right steps also helps right from the beginning is a MUST.

Understanding that you do not need anyone’s validation is very vital in your journey to overcoming skin insecurities.

Also, going ahead to start cultivating the right habit and sticking to it is also something you must consider.

3. Cultivating the right habit

According to Wikipedia, habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. So, anything we pay attention to and do regularly can easily become a habit.

So, what habit can help you deal with skin insecurity?

Wash your face at least twice a day

Some people can go overboard on this.

I remember one time as a teenager when I was trying to get rid of acne that had taken over my face.

I had previously read somewhere that washing the face can help reduce acne and even spots on the face.

So, I decided that I was not going to let my skin condition get the best of me. I would wash my face more than 10 times in a day.

Sounds funny now right?

You would think that worked right? Yeah, it did not because I was doing it the wrong way.

Thing is over-washing your face or under –washing is not advisable for the skin. But experts have advised that washing twice a day is fine for the face.

Eat a balanced and healthy diet

Most of us do not pay attention to the food we eat. Certain foods especially junk foods should be avoided by all cost especially by people with certain skin types.

Certain foods have been known to trigger acne but few people know this.

You can never go wrong with eating a good amount of fruits daily and drinking enough water. Also, just learn to avoid junk foods.

Remember to use an oil-free moisturizer

If you want to prevent your skin from drying out (a situation that causes the skin to produce more oil), then do not fail to use your moisturizer.


Exercise regularly

We have heard that exercise is good for the body, but do you know that it is also good for the skin?

Experts have discovered that there was an improvement in the skin of those who work-out regularly compared to those who don’t.

But remember to shower and wash your face after a good workout.

4. See A Dermatologist

Having skin insecurities is not the problem, but allowing it to linger without seeing a professional is something to really worry about.

In 2021, with all the many solutions now available, it would be somewhat surprising to hear that anyone is still going through the emotional pain associated with skin insecurities.

Some folks tend to resort to self-help because they feel that seeing a skin specialist will be too expensive.

That kind of mindset should be dropped this year.

Now consider the cost and stress of spending on quacks and their toxic products; Also imagine the damage that would have been done on your innocent skin.

If well considered, I think you would agree that seeing a professional right from the start would save you all that “merry-go-round” and its attendant risk.

We have over the years, built a very strong reputation as the best skin care clinic in Nigeria with world class facilities and internationally certified skin doctors committed to making you feel better about your skin.

If you would like to speak to any of our professional dermatologist or book an appointment to see one, please call 08126777778 or 08052777778 today.