
Injectables: These include botox, fillers, kenalog and aqualyx. This procedure helps reduce wrinkles, the appearance of fine lines, raised scars and aids the dissolving of unwanted fat respectively.

  • Derma-Fillers

(Juvéderm, Teosyals global,  Teosyals Ultra Deep, Restylane) Used for removal of fine lines, for lip augmentation, and the correction of perioral lines in adults over 21. Use to treat the under eye area of the face.

  • Kenalog

Used for the removal of keloids. The size of the keloid determines the number of vials required. A minimum of three sessions is recommended.

  • Botox 50iu

(Bocouture) Treatment for wrinkles & hyperhidrosis

  • Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical nose job

  • Aqualyx

An injection used to remove excess fat

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Botox is a proven safe and effective treatment. It is quick and simple using injections into the affected areas with impressive results.