Daily Routines That Harm Your Skin. Part 1

Stop Popping your zits

A lot of people try so hard to have flawless skin ;you go for monthly facials, heed to advice from friends and family, follow tips and tricks from Youtube vloggers etc but all of these don’t seem to make any difference because your dull,unattractive skin keeps staring back at you in the mirror.
You might be amazed to know that our daily routines and activities play a significant role on the appearance of our skin. Here are a few things you probably didn’t realise were harming your skin:
The use of bleaching creams: This craze needs to stop. A lot of people start using bleaching creams with the aim of achieving lighter, flawless skin but eventually end up causing irreversible damage to the skin. Some of these creams contain a cocktail of hydroquinone,steroids, mercury in hazardous amounts leading to lots of side effects ranging from hyperpigmentation to skin cancer.
Smoking: i bet you’re aware of the health implications of smoking but do you also know it harms the skin? It causes premature skin aging and accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and discolorations. I know its a very addictive habit to stop but maybe knowing how bad it is for your skin might be all the motivation you need to stop it.
Sleeping with makeup on: I am also guilty of this! After a long hard day, the last thing you want to do is start taking off makeup right? Well, as you might already know, sleeping helps the skin regenerate but when you have layers of foundation,concealer,highlighter etc on your face, the whole process would be impeded. All of these can also clog your pores overnight and you wake up to a gigantic pimple on your face in the morning(lol).
Consumption of high sugar and fat diet: Asides from the weight gain associated with this, its been shown that what we eat affects our hormone balance, this generally affects the look of the face. Why don’t you challenge your self and ditch consumption of foods with high sugar and fat content for a week. Replace the burgers and fries with fruits,vegetables and lots of water. These are rich in antioxidants,vitamins A and C which are actually all we need for an effortless,flawless,natural glow.

Look forward to our next article where we would be discussing other daily routines that harm the skin. Sending you love,light and flawless skin.