Tag Archives: laserderm

Best Times to Drink Water

Drink Water

Thou shall drink enough water daily It is a skin care commandment that cannot be overemphasized. However, there are prime times to drink water for best results. 8 Best Times to Drink Water After waking up. 30 minutes before breakfast. 1 hour after breakfast. 30 minutes before lunch. 1 hour after lunch. During tea break. […]


Dry skin can be extremely uncomfortable and sometimes painful and irritating when not well taken care of. These are tips certified by dermatologists to help soothe dry skin for both children and adults. Skip long, hot showers: Hot water strips oils from the skin faster than warm water. Long showers or baths actually result in […]

Happy Holiday Skin On The Go

Many of us will be travelling over the holiday season and travelling can put a kink in your usual skincare routine. Add in the stress of family gatherings and time on the road, and you may want to throw your hands in the air and abandon skincare altogether—only to regret that when January rolls around […]

Pamper your skin this holiday with great discounts from Laserderm Clinics (+5 skin care tips)

laserderm skin pamper holiday giveaway

Laserderm is offering holiday discounts to ensure your skin stays healthy through this holiday season. The holiday season comes with a lot of events, travel, parties, hangouts, pictures, alcohol, non-stop eating and stress from shopping, cooking, planning events, etc. All these activities take a toll on your skin. So how do you do all you […]

Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

Laserderm Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

Mesotherapy is a procedure for hair loss to stimulate hair growth. It is a non-invasive technique based on superficial micro-injections, just below the epidermis, into the target tissues. Mesotherapy is a treatment that stimulates the mesoderm, which relieves a wide variety of symptoms and ailments. Mesotherapy for hair loss is virtually painless and safe when done […]

Image Skincare Products are Now Near You

Image skincare is one of the fastest growing skincare brand in the beauty industry. It is functional and gives your skin the radiance your skin requires. Image Skincare’s product solutions range from anti-aging, rejuvenating to moisturizing and many other properties to keep your skin healthy, shining and beautiful. There are different products range for different […]

Daily Routines That Harm The Skin. Part 2

Hello everyone, hope you’ve been having a productive week so far. Today, we’re going to pick up where we left off last week. Here are other daily routines that harm the skin: Reduced consumption of water: A lot of us find it so hard to consume the daily water requirement but have no issues with consuming soda, […]

Daily Routines That Harm Your Skin. Part 1

Stop Popping your zits

A lot of people try so hard to have flawless skin ;you go for monthly facials, heed to advice from friends and family, follow tips and tricks from Youtube vloggers etc but all of these don’t seem to make any difference because your dull,unattractive skin keeps staring back at you in the mirror. You might […]

Do Dark Skinned People Need Sunscreen?

I can imagine the thoughts going through the heads of some of you right now, reading the title of this post, and the looks on your faces. It’s most likely the same sort of looks I get whenever I ask patients if they use sunscreen daily. These looks are usually characterized by rolled eyes and […]

Serums: All You Need To Know

Serums are light and fast absorbing liquids used as an alternative or in addition to creams and lotions. They are quite unique because most of the fluids have been eliminated leaving behind a high concentration of active ingredients When you start using a serum, think of it as a long term relationship; the real benefits […]